12/26/2019 / By JD Heyes
There has been a lot of discussion among pro-Second Amendment Americans what will happen in Virginia early next year after Democrats take full control of the state legislature.
With the help of a Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, the Donkey Party has been promising a wave of new gun control legislation that could include confiscations, red flag laws which deny citizens their due process rights, assault weapons bans, universal background checks, and bans of ‘high capacity’ magazines.
None of these measures is really constitutional, mind you, because even a substandard lawyer could make the case that each one of them violates the Second Amendment’s ‘infringement’ clause.
But beyond that, what’s really going on here is that Democrats are waging a long-term propaganda battle to convince as many young Americans as possible that a) the Second Amendment is really optional; b) “reasonable” gun laws include bans and confiscation; and c) anyone who doesn’t want to surrender their legally bought and owned “assault rifles” are domestic terrorists who must be dealt with accordingly.
Samuel Culper, an analyst at Forward Observer, summed this up well in a dispatch to subscribers Monday:
Democrats are going to keep on changing gun culture by propagandizing young people. If successful, they’ll eventually erode support for “assault weapons” and the gun community will get smaller. Meanwhile, the Democrats will ban the transfer of “assault weapons” through inheritance. That’s going to make confiscation less of a challenge when some citizens are selling back “assault weapons” themselves (peacefully).
The domestic intelligence expert also believes that Virginia Democrats (and, very likely, other Democrats around the country where they are in charge) will also “impose civil and social costs for being a well-armed citizen.”
These costs include “gun owner insurance” or putting pressure on insurers to dramatically increase the cost to keep an ‘assault rifle’ in your home. At the same time, they will attempt to bankrupt gun makers.
“These things are not only possible, but LIKELY in the future,” he writes. (Related: The answer to tyranny is suddenly obvious: 2A sanctuaries and armed militias in every county, every state across America.)
In fact, we’re already well on our way down that path. As Ammoland reports, more than one-third of Democrat primary voters already favor actually confiscating firearms from legal gun owners, a draconian, authoritarian position that they likely would never approve of if government suggested revoking free speech rights or the right to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
According to a Zogby Analytics poll of Democratic primary voters:
— More than a third (36 percent) said they support “confiscation of legally owned firearms from American citizens that have not committed a crime.”
Horrifying. And this, despite a specific amendment contained within the Bill of Rights that recognizes and thus guarantees “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”
— Nearly four-in-10 (39 percent) have been brainwashed into favoring full-on government-controlled healthcare by eliminating all private health insurance (private employer-based health coverage is currently enjoyed by more than half of the country — about 156 million Americans who generally like their coverage);
— Thirty-eight percent believe American taxpayers should be on the hook to provide free healthcare to illegal aliens;
— Nearly 40 percent think it should be legal to violate our national sovereignty by crossing the border without permission;
— Some 43 percent believe taxpayers should support reparations to black Americans for ‘slavery,’ despite the fact that the institution was outlawed under the very same Constitution containing the Second Amendment more than 150 years ago.
Ammonland notes another disturbing trend: There were 20.4 million Democrat primary voters last year, the highest number in 20 years.
As Culper noted, Democrats are playing the long game here when it comes to neutering the Second Amendment. But then again, only about 3 percent of colonists joined in the American revolution.
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Tagged Under:
democrats, gun confiscation, gun control, gun sanctuaries, infringement, left cult, Left-wing, militias, millennials, Orwellian, red flag law, Second Amendment, Tyranny, Virginia
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