News & Articles By Jayson Veley
By Jayson Veley
How to build your own custom rifle
Going to a gun store and selecting a firearm from the shelves can be fun, but have you ever been curious about building your own? Maybe your parents or your grandparents have an old military rifle that’s been sitting in the attic for decades, collecting dust and waiting on somebody to come along and rebuild […]
By Jayson Veley
Popular, practical and customizable considerations for getting your own AR15
Despite the fact that the liberals are hellbent on banning it from American society, the AR-15 remains one of the most popular and reliable firearms in the entire country. It’s relatively easy to shoot compared to some other rifles on the market, and beyond that, it comes in many different shapes and versions. But while […]
By Jayson Veley
Responsibilities of ownership: Why you should keep your guns cleaned
As any responsible gun owner will tell you, owning a firearm is about a lot more than simply taking it to a gun range on the weekends and carrying it with you for self-defense; it’s about maintenance. If you don’t take care of your firearm – or, worse still, if you don’t know how to […]
By Jayson Veley
There WILL be violence when SHTF: A realistic look at what to expect
It might not be something that many of us like to think about, but in the event that society falls apart and people are left to fend for themselves, the world we live in will become an incredibly dangerous place in the blink of an eye. To shed some light on just how dangerous the […]
By Jayson Veley
Choosing a firearm: What do you really need?
So you’re getting ready to purchase your very first gun, but you’re stuck asking yourself a question that you can’t seem to figure out the answer to – what type of firearm would be best for me? Indeed, this is something that’s very important to consider. On the one hand, you want a firearm that […]
By Jayson Veley
What would you do? Increasing your odds of surviving a mass shooting
In the unlikely event that you ever find yourself in the middle of an active shooter situation, there are certain things that you can do to increase your chances of survival. Recently, reached out to Robert Richardson, an experienced prepper that has written about how to survive mass shootings on his website Off Grid […]
By Jayson Veley
Pistol-packing mom protects schoolchildren from armed robbery by shooting assailant… GUNS SAVE LIVES
How many more times do guns have to be used in self defense before liberals start to realize that an armed citizenry is necessary for any free society? As reported by the Daily Caller, a gunman who attempted to rob children and families at gunpoint outside of a school in Sao Paulo, Brazil last Saturday […]
By Jayson Veley
Seven misconceptions you may have about guns based on Hollywood’s twisted portrayal
If you happen to be a movie buff and have never owned a firearm, chances are you have some misconceptions about guns based on what you’ve seen up on the big screen. Hollywood is famous for stuffing action films with unlikely and even impossible scenes where the protagonist uses a firearm to do something that […]
By Jayson Veley
SHTF: If you are well prepared, you will become an instant target of the non-prepared
Being prepared for a SHTF scenario can literally mean the difference between life and death, not just for you, but for you family and loved ones as well. That being said, however, being prepared for a large-scale crisis also has a downside: you will become an instant target of the non-prepared. They will want what […]
By Jayson Veley
Boulder, Colorado just declared itself a target-rich MURDER zone for massacre shooters
It’s amazing how many Americans, despite sitting in the lap of liberty and having a list of constitutional rights at their disposal, actively seek to do away with those rights through regulation and governmental mandates. In Deerfield, Illinois, for example, liberals have voted to ban the ownership of the AR-15, one of the most popular […]
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