Big Pharma
By Mike Adams
On the same day that 17 children were murdered in a Florida high school, almost 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications
On the same day that 17 students and staff were killed in a Florida high school shooting, nearly 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet no one cried a single tear, and the (pharma-funded) news didn’t even mention the tragedy. When children are killed by guns, the news is emotionally multiplied with pseudojournalism […]
By JD Heyes
Opioid prescription drug deaths dwarf shooting deaths, yet there’s no call to ban Big Pharma
Americans continue to mourn the dozens of people who were killed and hundreds wounded by a crazed lunatic in Las Vegas on Sunday, and as is usually the case when guns are involved in a mass murder incident, the usual suspects are once more calling for gun bans. “Nowhere but America do horrific large-scale mass shootings […]
By Mike Adams
Gun control vs MEDICATION control: FDA-approved prescription drugs kill more Americans each day than the entire casualty count from the Las Vegas Mandalay massacre
America is rightfully outraged over the slaughter of innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas two days ago, and the political Left immediately exploited the tragedy to call for gun control — stripping all citizens of their Second Amendment rights while monopolizing the ownership of guns in the hands of the government. This is the predictable emotional […]
By Daniel Barker
Prescription opioid deaths surpass gun-related deaths… Big Pharma literally killing more people than GUNS
The opioid epidemic in America is killing more people than guns and the blame rests squarely on Big Pharma. Until 2007, the number of deaths by firearm was five times greater than those caused by overdoses, but in 2015 overdose deaths surpassed gun deaths for the first time – and it looks like the trend […]
By JD Heyes
Heroin and opioid related deaths surpass gun homicides for first time in US history
It’s not a statistic that will please the nation’s anti-Second Amendment, gun-grabbing politicians, but sometimes facts can be inconvenient things when you’re pushing an agenda. As reported by Zero Hedge, “Guns don’t kill people, heroin does.” For the first time ever, researchers have found that the illicit street drug has become more deadly than firearms, […]
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