By JD Heyes
CNN’s Chris Cuomo flat-out lies to help Democrats cover up their push to take your guns away
In the days following last weekend’s “March for Our Lives” demonstrations held in Washington, D.C., and other cities around the country, it became increasingly obvious to everyone except a lone CNN host what the real purpose of the protests was: Get rid of the right to keep and bear arms. If you recall, the original […]
By News Editors
CNN fake news operatives admit they won’t correct false gun facts spouted by ignorant students like David Hogg
(Natural News) Based on polling data over the past couple of years it’s become obvious that more Americans trust used car salesmen and their congressional representative than the American Pravda media. (Article by JD Heyes republished from By any measure, their distrust is justified, as reinforced this week by the pathetic Brian Stelter, CNN’s “media” […]
By JD Heyes
CNN fake news operatives admit they won’t correct false gun facts spouted by ignorant students like David Hogg
Based on polling data over the past couple of years it’s become obvious that more Americans trust used car salesmen and their congressional representative than the American Pravda media. By any measure, their distrust is justified, as reinforced this week by the pathetic Brian Stelter, CNN’s “media” watchdog reporter. As noted by the Media Research […]
By JD Heyes
Father of girl killed in Florida school shooting BLASTS the American Pravda media for singular “solution” — gun control
It sickens me the way the Pravda media is using the latest school shooting in Florida to push an anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-self-defense agenda as the sole “solution” to prevent future incidents from occurring. It’s not a practical solution. It’s not a well-thought-out solution. It’s not even a constitutional solution. But they don’t care. They […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL CONFIRMED: Broward County deputies were *ORDERED* to stand down… then all radio communications were cut off while the shooting continued
A major media bombshell is now confirming the shocking truth that Natural News reported first: Deputies were ordered to stand down and avoid entering the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, even as the shooting was taking place. This irrefutable fact has been maliciously labeled a “conspiracy theory” by the fake news media (CNN, etc.), but […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Florida mass shooting was ALLOWED to happen: Four deputies stood down, led by egomaniacal sheriff exposed as an anti-gun Democrat operative seeking fame
With each passing day, the official story of the Parkland, Florida high school shooting continues to unravel. In its place is emerging an increasingly horrifying conspiracy involving Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, whose four deputies appear to have been ordered to stand down and allow the shooting to unfold in order to achieve a higher […]
By Mike Adams
A NEW LOW, even for CNN: Exploiting dead and traumatized children to push a radical left-wing anti-gun agenda
In what can only be called the highly unethical exploitation of dead and traumatized children to push a radical, left-wing anti-gun narrative, CNN has reached a whole new low in fake news. The backlash against CNN is growing, even as the discredited fake news network desperately coaches high school children to parrot left-wing talking points […]
By Mike Adams
REMINDER: Just because high school students survived a tragedy doesn’t make them instant experts on complex policy issues
The latest tactic of the “mob rule” Left is to puppeteer high school students, parading them in front of cameras as “experts” on gun control and the Second Amendment, all while rehearsing scripted talking points with them to make sure they stay on point. The puppeteers, of course, are all the same anti-America, anti-Trump, anti-Constitution […]
By Don Wrightman
Mad stabber attacks citizens right outside CNN building, CNN insists no one should be allowed to have a gun to stop them
On Tuesday afternoon, a Los Angeles man randomly started stabbing people on Sunset Boulevard, right across the street from CNN’s Hollywood location. The suspect managed to injure four people before being shot to death by Los Angeles Police Department officers. The attack happened in broad daylight, presumably while CNN employees were coming and going on […]
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