By JD Heyes
Second Amendment sanctuaries now expanding into Kentucky as movement goes nationwide; Americans will NOT be enslaved by anti-gun Governors who violate the Constitution
With Democrats set to take over all lawmaking apparatuses in the state of Virginia within days, tensions are high ahead of expected new gun control legislation that could include outright bans and registration schemes. For weeks after the November elections, newly empowered Democrats have said they plan to introduce a new Fifth Amendment-violating “red flag” […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist Democrats condemn pro-gun “sanctuaries” after years of protecting illegal immigrants: Is this the spark that will trigger America’s breakup?
Empowered by electoral gains during the 2018 midterms, Democrats around the country — but especially blue states where they now have super-majorities — launched an all-out assault on the Second Amendment, just like they said they would during their campaigns. New gun control laws began springing up in states like Washington, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon, […]
By Ethan Huff
All your Google searches will now be used against you by the state to block your right to buy a gun
Be careful what you search for online. Big Tech, in lockstep with Big Brother, is reportedly plotting to use your internet browsing history against you in order to deprive you of your Second Amendment rights. At the close of 2018, the state of New York – which recently legalized infanticide (baby murder), to thunderous applause […]
By JD Heyes
Under new law, TWITTER could now decide whether people are allowed to own guns… techno-fascism is here
Democrats’ loathing of the Second Amendment is directly tied to the party’s loathing of individuality, freedom, and personal liberty. Why else would they spend so much time trying to figure out new and improved ways of restricting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms? The latest Democrat gun control scheme involves the Left-wing tech-media giants, […]
By Ethan Huff
Leftists confiscating guns, fining gun-owners in Deerfield, Illinois
A cohort of patriotic residents from The Village of Deerfield in Illinois recently filed an emergency restraining order against the municipality after government officials there decided to implement an unconstitutional “assault weapons ban,” mandating that all local gun owners either turn in their firearms or face potential fines. During a recent episode of NRATV, available […]
By JD Heyes
Illinois county declares itself a “sanctuary” for guns after residents “tired of being pushed around” by gun grabbers
There is a decidedly rebellious element to our politics today, and while the American Pravda media and the establishment elites inside the Beltway seek to blame it on conservatives, the reality is the Left is 110 percent responsible. Because Leftists — intolerant, hateful, extreme — don’t know when to leave well enough alone. The Democratic […]
By JD Heyes
Yes, they’re coming for your guns: Illinois town criminalizes all its citizens who refuse to turn in LEGAL firearms in less than 60 days
For years Left-wing Democrats have claimed that when it comes to guns and the Second Amendment, they don’t really want to eliminate the right or take away people’s guns. For the same number of years, conservatives, libertarians, and anyone else focused on preserving the Bill of Rights have known they were lying. Now, for some […]
By JD Heyes
Good man with an AR-15 rifle saves the life of a stabbing victim, but you won’t hear about it in the American Pravda media
Anytime the so-called “mainstream media” does a story about an AR-15 rifle or similar firearm, you can bet a dollar to a donut it is going to be negative. That’s because the only thing such weapons are good for is killing people — and large numbers of them at that. Except, of course, when those weapons […]
By Thomas Dishaw
Bill allowing government to confiscate guns without due process introduced in Illinois
The state of Illinois, which already has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States, is trying to take their battle against the second amendment to the next level. This week the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear bill SB 1291, proposed by State Senator Julie Morrison. If the bill passes, it […]
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