mainstream media
By Joel M. Harrison
NBC celebrates teacher who “groomed” anti-gun student activists like David Hogg
NBC Nightly News credited a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School teacher for “grooming” the anti-gun Parkland student activists who’ve become the faces of the establishment’s latest gun control push. “I’m in awe to a degree because they’re so young,” said Jeff Foster, an AP Government teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. “I love what […]
By JD Heyes
Rapper Killer Mike warns that Democrats’ gun-grabbing will “progress us into slavery”
The American Pravda media had a field day with the “March for Our Lives” protests in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere around the country last weekend as Americans gathered to protest guns rather than talk about school safety. The media was spinning everything about the demonstrations from the message to the phony crowd numbers, and while most […]
By JD Heyes
Left’s gun control front man David Hogg suddenly cares about the Constitution, but can’t correctly cite it
If you needed another big, fat, glaring example of how today’s Marxist-run public schools are ensuring that future generations of American adults will be utterly unprepared to defend their constitutional rights, this should do the trick. No doubt you’ve heard about David Hogg, a young man from Parkland, Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the […]
By JD Heyes
WashPost goes “full history-tard,” claims guns are racist, ignores fact that gun control sought to disarm black men
Along with other legacy media outlets, The Washington Post continues to solidify its reputation as a thinly-disguised Marxist agitprop rag posing as a legitimate news organization. The latest example of this is an actual story — not an opinion piece — claiming that gun ownership is racist and that whites use the Second Amendment today […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media LIES: No, the NRA did not “train” the Florida school shooter
The so-called “mainstream media” isn’t even trying to be unbiased and impartial anymore. In fact, in the age of Trump, the American Pravda media has shed any pretense of being fair or even honest, let alone fulfill its basic role of keeping the American people informed. This pathetic abdication of responsibility was on full display […]
By JD Heyes
The latest LIE: American Pravda media claims President Trump made it easier for mentally ill to buy guns
Talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh made an observation last week about the so-called “mainstream” media: If someone is merely a casual consumer of the news, they have no idea how badly they’re being lied to, manipulated, and kept in the dark about facts and truths that functioning societies need to remain functioning societies. In particular, […]
By JD Heyes
THIS is why we won’t “solve” problem of school shootings: American Pravda media can’t even be honest about reporting on GUNS
For the longest time, I believed that the primary reason why the so-called “mainstream media” could never get its reporting right when it came to guns — how they work, what they are and are not capable of, even correctly identifying them — was due to an inherent ignorance about firearms. Most of them were […]
By Jayson Veley
FACT CHECK: When left-wing media reports “school shootings,” they’re including toy BB guns… what’s next? Water guns?
Many conservatives now consider the mainstream media to be an appendage of the democrat party, and rightfully so. It’s a rather simple yet effective relationship: The Democrats set the agenda (which includes higher taxes, lax immigration laws, more restrictions on firearms, etc.), and the liberals in the media twist and distort the facts in order […]
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