By Jayson Veley
Prepping for safety: Do you need body armor?
The first thing that you have to understand if you are interested in acquiring some kind of body armor or vest is that, as recently pointed out, there is no such thing as bulletproof body armor. There is bullet-resistant armor, but bulletproof armor implies that it will be completely resistant to a speeding bullet […]
By JD Heyes
Left’s gun control front man David Hogg suddenly cares about the Constitution, but can’t correctly cite it
If you needed another big, fat, glaring example of how today’s Marxist-run public schools are ensuring that future generations of American adults will be utterly unprepared to defend their constitutional rights, this should do the trick. No doubt you’ve heard about David Hogg, a young man from Parkland, Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the […]
By Jayson Veley
What we should teach children about surviving a school shooting
Following tragic school shootings like the one we witnessed in Connecticut back in 2012 and the one in Parkland just a few weeks ago, it is time for parents to consider having a tough talk with their children. One about what to do in the event that a crazed gunman enters the school with the […]
By JD Heyes
Major university authorized concealed carry of firearms on campus six months ago, and the results have been phenomenal for student safety
One of the many ideas being floated by reasonable men and women in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting on Valentine’s Day is to allow more people to carry guns on school property. That suggestion is reflexively rejected by the Alt-Left, however, which prefers instead to leave school security to ‘the professionals’ — […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping kids: How to teach them about gun safety
Gun safety isn’t only useful when SHTF. If you teach your kids how to handle a gun, they will know what to do if, for example, they’re spending the night over at a friend’s house and they come across a loaded firearm. Here are some gun safety basics for children: (h/t to Set a […]
By Jayson Veley
How to choose your first self-defense gun
One of the most important things that people looking to purchase a firearm for the first time should keep in mind is that a gun, above all else, is a tool. It’s not a toy that you can take out and show to all of your friends just so that you can be the center […]
By Ethan Huff
Female vaccine truth researcher thanks Second Amendment for right to defend her life against graphic death threats by vaccine trolls
It’s been a pretty rough week for vaccine truth advocate Dr. Suzanne Humphries. On January 18, 2018, she received a sadistic death threat, presumably from a belligerent member of the pro-vaccine mafia, that warned she would soon be murdered. Dr. Humphries seems to be taking it all in stride, though, expressing in a recent video […]
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