President Trump confirms he will VETO anti-gun bills and protect the Second Amendment

In keeping with his promise to protect gun rights in America, President Trump has announced that he won’t be signing any of the gun control bills currently being pushed by Democrats – as well as some Republicans – in Congress.

Referencing two specific pieces of anti-gun legislation currently under consideration in the House, the White House issued a public statement indicating that both are “incompatible with the Second Amendment’s guarantee of an individual right to keep arms.”

House Resolution 8, for instance, would ban all private sales of firearms in the United States, which is completely unconstitutional. And House Resolution 1112 would require as much as a 20-day waiting period before being allowed to acquire a new firearm after purchase, which is similarly unconstitutional.

The two bills would also require universal background checks, as well as close the so-called “Charleston loophole” that supposedly allowed the shooter involved in that massacre, which took place in 2015, to purchase a gun.

According to The Hill, both bills are expected to pass the House along party lines, with limited support from a handful of Republicans. They would then be passed on to the Republican-dominated Senate, which will likely vote them down.

Should they reach the President’s desk, however, our Commander-in-Chief has vowed to make sure they’re tossed into the dustbin where they belong.

“By overly extending the minimum time that a licensed entity is required to wait for background check results, H.R. 1112 would unduly impose burdensome delays on individuals seeking to purchase a firearm,” the White House statement goes on to say.

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CNN, Washington Post both admit that gun control bills will do NOTHING to stop mass shootings

In reviewing the two bills, mainstream media outlets CNN and The Washington Post both made shocking admissions that neither piece of legislation will do anything whatsoever to stop mass shootings in the United States.

CNN, in analyzing the “universal background check” requirement associated with the bills, recently published a story stating that this new requirement, had it been in place prior to Parkland and other tragic gun violence incidents, wouldn’t actually have prevented them from happening.

National Rifle Association (NRA) President, David Keene, agrees, having issued his own recent statement indicating that the “tipping point for all this gun control talk about background checks is actually an example of how background checks don’t matter.” He added that a killer will always “find a way to get a gun even if he kills the owner.”

Former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio recently took aim at the two bills’ intent to ban private gun sales, stating that doing this would not in any way protect the public against mass shootings. And, believe it or not, The Washington Post conducted a fact check and arrived at the same conclusion.

“None of the major shootings that have occurred in this country over the last few months or years that have outraged us, would gun laws have prevented them,” Rubio stated during an interview with CBS‘ “This Morning” back in 2015.

The Washington Post ran this statement through its “Pinocchio Test” and found that Rubio’s statement “stands up to scrutiny.”

“Notably, three of the mass shootings took place in California, which already has strong gun laws including a ban on certain weapons and high-capacity magazines,” the news outlet reported.

The Post went on to challenge the claim by gun-control advocates that the U.S. should mimic what other countries with strict gun ownership provisions are doing because these countries supposedly experience fewer mass shootings. But as it turns out, such a comparison is typically “apples-to-oranges,” The Post admitted.

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